Christian Brückner

C.Brueckner 8-2016

Office: A403 (faculty office)


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Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experiences

01/24-06/24 Sabbatical Appointment, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, U.S.A.
08/16 – 12/24 Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, U.S.A. (UConn)
09/12 – date Professor, Department of Chemistry, UConn
09/06 – 06/15 Associate Department Head – Academic Affairs, UConn
09/06 – 08/12 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, UConn
09/98 – 08/06 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, UConn
05/96 – 06/98 Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, U.S.A.
10/91 – 03/96 Graduate Research Assistant, University of British Columbia, Department of Chemistry, Vancouver, BC, Canada
10/82 – 02/84 Mandatory civil service (Zivildienst) in lieu of a military service for conscientious objectors. Live educator of mentally handicapped juveniles at the Wohnheim der Lebenshilfe e.V. in Neuss-Weckhoven, Germany


05/96 – 06/98 Postdoctorate. College of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. (Kenneth N. Raymond): Coordination chemistry
03/96 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, UBC, Canada. (David Dolphin); Ph.D. Dissertation ‘Pyrrolic Pigments’: Pyrrole and porphyrin chemistry
07/91 Dipl. Chem., Institut für Chemie, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RTWH) Aachen, Germany. (Gerhard E. Herberich); Diplom Thesis ‘Die Kovalente Fixierung von Porphyrinen an Kieselgel’
1984 – 1988 Undergraduate studies in biology and chemistry, RTWH Aachen, Germany
1982 Highschool Diploma, Pascal Gymnasium, Grevenbroich, Germany


2002 – 2005 Ferens Dinstinguised Visiting Lecturer in the Natual Sciences, University of Hull, GB
1991 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Bureau) Award for preparation of Diplom Thesis at UBC, Canada
1989 DAAD Travel Award for a research project at the Department of Chemistry, California State University, Fresno, USA


04/29/1963 Born in São Paulo, Brazil
Raised in Mexico and Germany
Asha, Finn, Mia, and me eating a peanut butter sandwich…

When not doing science, I can be found in the yard moving rocks, felling trees, or out and about with our white German shepherd dogs.

CB Science Family Tree